System() Function In C programming For Virus Making!!

2 min readJun 1, 2019


System() In C :

C is a one of the basic and popular programming language in programming community.

Whereas system() function is used to invoked the system command in any type of operating system.To Use system() function firstly we need to include stdlib.h header file in program.

Virus Making With System():

System() function mostly used to invoke Operating system terminal command So most of time its easy to create some malicious virus which can infect the operating system..

For example to shutdown the windows operating system with a program :

But for some malicious activities this System() function could be one of the dangerous c function.

For example to jam the computer hard disk system() function work as a full malicious program:

Is System() Dangerous To Use?

System() is not a dangerous function in c programming . It depends on the programmer that what he want to do with this powerful c function.

It can be used to automate the task or also could be used for malicious programs or virus.




Written by Powerexploit

Internet Activist || Open Source Contributor || Hacker

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